APP/ACC Control Surveillance
Course Description
APP/ACC Control Surveillance provide sufficient knowledge and skills to obtain an Approach Control Surveillance rating. After completing this training, participants are expected to be able to perform duties as an Approach Surveillance Controller, understand surveillance equipment, handle aircraft in abnormal situations, and apply surveillance separation in Approach Control Surveillance services.
This training program is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and practical skills required for effective surveillance-based air traffic control at the Approach (APP) and Area Control Center (ACC) levels. The course prepares participants to handle real-time traffic management in controlled airspace using advanced surveillance systems.
- ATS Surveillance System and Facilities;
- Performance Based Navigation Application for Approach control surveillance;
- ATS Surveillance Procedure;
- Aircraft Performance;
- Professional environment;
- Examination 1;
- Approach Control Surveillance Practice;
- Examination 2;
- On the Job Training.
- Air Traffic Control personnel pursuing an APP or ACC Surveillance rating.
- Aviation professionals seeking advanced skills in air traffic management using surveillance systems.
- Have a valid competency certificate in Approach and Area Control Procedural/Approach Control Procedural;
- Physically and mentally healthy (stated by a certificate with medical examination results equivalent to Class 3 health standards);
- Proficient in English, as proven by a TOEIC score of at least 405 (+1 Intermediate), a minimum TOEFL ITP score of 450, or an IELP level 4 (Operational Level) or above;
- Obtain a recommendation letter from the organization (for employee).